100% joint venture development finance partners
If you have to date only built houses for clients and want to get into property development for yourself, but don’t have the funds, we can help.
Fox Davidson work with building contractors to secure 100% joint venture development finance. Funding is available to clients that have experience of building property and can build at cost.

How does joint venture development finance work?
Joint venture development finance work by 2 parties coming together; a funder that completely funds the cost of building a development site and a building contractor that builds out the site at cost. Profits are usually split 50/50.
South West development finance
Fox Davidson are looking to work with house builders in the South West. With offices to meet clients Bristol, Bath and Exeter and development finance consultants based out of North Somerset we have a real focus on the South West. We are looking to work with building contractors that require Development finance across the whole of the South West.
You will need to have experience of building houses and able to build at cost realising any profits on the sale of the units.
The development
The scheme will need to be for several units and ideally aimed at most of the market so no high value single units.
Minimum loan size is £1m and max loan size is £2.5m. (larger loan amounts available to experienced property developers)
The loan includes the following costs: land, stamp duty, legal fees, build costs, professional fees including CIL & Sect 106.
What profits are needed for joint venture finance?
For this to work for both parties the profits in the scheme need to be above 27% measured against the gross development value (GDV) of the site.
Next steps
If you are a building contractor of any size and wish to develop your first, second or third development site without putting in any of your own cash then call Wesley Davidson on 01179 897959 or email wesley@foxdavidson.co.uk
Fox Davidson will help you to identify schemes that are profitable and eligible for joint venture funding. We provide templates for development appraisals and will ensure the scheme will work before approaching the funder. We have helped builders secure million of pounds of joint venture development finance in the South West.